Monday, 27 June 2016

Year 1 Objectives W/C 27.06.16


This week in Year 1, we are learning:
  • To read a fantasy story;
  • To act out parts of a story using freeze frames;
  • To retell the story orally.


This week in Year 1, we are learning:
  • To use recall 3D shapes;
  • To program a Beebot;
  • To multiply and divide by 10.


Sunday, 26 June 2016

Barnards Farm 2016

Year 1 visited Barnards Farm to look at their selection of sculptures. The children identified each numbered sculpture and found out where it originated from. They were able to identify what material they were made of.

There are over 100 sculptures set in beautiful gardens.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Year 1 Objectives W/C 20/6/16


This week in Year 1, we are learning:
  • To write our weekend news in the past tense;
  • To use question marks and exclamation marks;
  • To include a range of punctuation when writing.


This week in Year 1, we are learning:
  • To use a tally;
  • To create block graphs;
  • To use graphs to answer questions.


Sunday, 19 June 2016

1FB Create 3D Shapes

We have been revising and creating 3D shapes. We can remember the name for a triangular prism because Mrs Burks keeps a massive Toblerone on her desk!

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

1FB take a trip

We were very excited to see our new school. We put on hard hats and hi vis jackets. The site manager explained where the classrooms would be and how far they had got with the construction. They weren't expecting such torrential rain to soak all the floors! One group saw the hall building as well. We asked the site managers so many questions!
"Where are the toilets?"
"How do you make concrete?"
"Who will bring our tables over?"
"Why do you need that fork lift to go to the top of the school?"
"Why do you have steel toe caps?"

We are looking forward to visiting again because next time we will be able to go inside.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Year 1 Ojectives W/C 13.06.16


This week in Year 1, we are learning:
  • To write our weekend news in the past tense;
  • To use question marks and exclamation marks;
  • To include a range of punctuation when writing.


This week in Year 1, we are learning:
  • To order the months of the year;
  • To order events during the day;
  • To measure using a ruler.


Monday, 6 June 2016

Year 1 Objectives W/C 6/6/16


This week in Year 1, we are learning:
  • To write a recount;
  • To use capital letters and full stops;
  • To use suffixes.


This week in Year 1, we are learning:
  • To find 10 more and 10 less from any number;
  • To subtract using mental strategies;
  • To sort objects into sets.
